PlasticsEurope is organizing an innovation event in Brussels on Monday, 18 September to demonstrate how plastics effectively contribute to a circular and resource efficient Europe and to continue the dialogue with its value chain partners and other key actors.
Society enjoys an enhanced quality of life as a result of highly innovative products which rely on plastics. Versatile plastic materials are widely adopted as they meet the demands of today’s lifestyles while contributing to resource savings in diverse applications.
The Strategy on Plastics within the EU Circular Economy Package offers unique opportunities to deliver the innovation needed to ensure that Europe progresses towards a more circular and resource efficient economy.
PlasticsEurope is committed to working with key stakeholders such as value chain partners, academia and policy makers, to help find solutions for societal challenges; including the inappropriate management of products containing plastics at the end of their useful life.
The event will also host the Awards Ceremony of the 2017 European Plastics Innovation Awards (EPIA) jointly organized by the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) and PlasticsEurope.
The participation in this event is by invitation only as seats are limited.